18-19 Months

So much happened during these months! You celebrated your 2nd Thanksgiving and Christmas. Your Grandpa Julian visited you for Christmas, and you got to meet Santa (although you wouldn’t get too close). You also got to go to your first movie (Frozen)! You’re learning...

16-17 Months

Stats: Weight: 26 lbs; Height: 31 inches Such a fun time of the year! You got to go to the pumpkin patch for the first time, and it was so much fun going on the hayride, picking pumpkins, and riding the cow train and carousel. This was also the first Halloween where...

14-15 Months

What a big girl you are! You’re walking (and running) now! And you’re so good at dancing! You know lots of words and signs and you love to learn 🙂 You love going to story time and the museum. You’ve started having play dates with friends, which is so much fun!...

13 Months

My big girl started walking and standing this month! You are so proud of yourself and we are proud of you, too! Mama has really enjoyed being able to stay at home with you. You’re learning so many signs like shoes, bath, book, and cheese. You love going to the park to...

Daycare fun!

You went to Bright Horizons for daycare from September 2012-May 2013. You really loved it there, but both you and Mama are enjoying being home together now. Here are some pictures from your time...

12 Months

Stats: Weight: 22 lbs, 9 oz; Height: 29.5 inches; Head: 18 inches Happy birthday baby! I cannot believe you are one! This year has flown by! Mama started staying home with you this month, and I love spending my days with you! We have so much fun together. You’re...