5 Months

Stats: Weight: 16 lbs 15 oz This has been a big month for you! Mama went back to work, and your Daddy stayed home with you for a few weeks. You also started at your new daycare, which you love! You got to try cereal for the first time. You love playing with your...

4 Months

Stats: Weight: 15 lbs, 13 oz; Height: 25.25 inches; Head: 41 cm You’re growing so fast! Slow down! You are getting more and more observant and you love watching everything. You got to see your Grandma again this month and had a lot of fun with her! On September 3rd,...

3 Months

Weight: 13 lbs 5 oz How time flies! I can’t believe you’re 3 months old already! You are growing so fast and learning so much. You’re so smart! You are talking more and more and watching everything we do. You like to watch our hands and mimic us. You love pacifying...

2 Months

Stats: Weight: 11 lbs, 4 oz; Height: 23 inches; Head: 38.6 cm At your two month checkup, you survived your first round of shots like a champ! You only cried a little but Mama nursed you and made it all better. (I cried more than you did!) Dr. Ketterman said you are...

1 Month

Stats: Weight: 9 lbs 14 oz Height: 22.25 inches Head: 37.8 cm What an awesome first month of your life! Your favorite things are drinking mama’s milk, your pacifier, being swaddled to get to sleep, and of course your Daddy. You are already a Daddy’s girl 😉...