4 years old!

Four years old stats: 40.5 lbs, 39 inches tall You are finally four! Yay! You have been talking about turning 4 for months, and now that you are 4, you are rocking it! You are an awesome soccer goalie and a rockstar swimmer! You love drawing amazing pictures for us...

3 years old!

Three-year old stats: 35 lbs, 37 inches tall This has been a big year for you! You had your first dance recital, learned to swim, had your first year of Montessori school, and played soccer! You are an awesome goalie, too! Mama and Daddy are so proud of the sweet girl...

2 years old!

Stats: Weight: 31 lbs, 5 oz; Height: 34.5 inches What a big year this has been for you! You started out 2 by only saying a few words at a time, and by the end you are talking in paragraphs and are only quiet when you sleep!!! You are such a silly girl. One of my...

20-22 Months

You’re getting to be such a big girl! You can sing your ABCs, count to 11, and are learning to sing lots of new songs. In February you flew on your first airplane to TN and got to meet lots of family (and see snow for the first...